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Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2 (1987) Tis The Season! Have you been NAUGHTY? Classic original slasher movies that make Santa Clause an ax wielding maniac hellbent on dishing out punishment to those he deems as NAUGHTY! I'm looping both films together here because the sequel is 50% flashback to the original, where every major event of Part 1 is seen again before a shoestring version of the same events happen again with the little brother of the original killer. Billy and Ricky are little boys who witness a man dressed up like Santa Clause on Christmas Eve rape and murder mom and take out dad as well. They grow up as orphans in a Catholic environment, raised by Nuns who PUNISH naughty kids with thrashings (especially the ones having sex, as we see in a great scene). This instills a crazed morality in the boys, meshing with a fear/respect of Santa, who also decides who is naughty or nice. When 18-year-old Billy gets a job at a toy store at Christmas and is forced to wear a Santa suit, his mind snaps and we get tons of flashbacks of mom and dad being killed and grandpa telling him to "run for your life from Santa if you've been naughty!" and...well, Billy Clause grabs an ax and kills co-workers having illicit sex (more bare boobs!), his greedy boss, and some other "naughty" colleagues. It's Christmas Eve and he spies a very topless Linnea Quigley standing in her doorway (after a nice scene of heavy petting on the pool table with her beau) waiting for her cat to come in, so Billy attacks her for being "naughty" and impales her on deer antlers in a classic sequence that pays homage to THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE! Ahhhh, the trouble this film caused back in the 80's, with protests and the studio yanking it out of theaters because the Moms of America couldn't bear to see Santa advertised as an ax murderer, it's all so hard to imagine now. But SILENT NIGHT DEADLY NIGHT is a good, solid slasher movie with the cops right on Santa's heels and of course, Billy Clause eventually heading for those warped nuns that raised him with beatings and crazed ideologies....for revenge! Billy is shot down right in front of his brother Ricky, who picks up the killing in the sparse but fun sequel that relies mainly on flashbacks to the original film's murderous set pieces. Worst part of the sequel is that it's obviously shot in late summer/early fall, and when Ricky dons the Santa suit...it just doesn't feel right, the trees are fully green with leaves and there's no snow to be seen. Again, he claims some victims (like a shrink at the nuthouse where he was residing and a very topless and HAWT looking Elizabeth Kaitan) and heads back to the "evil Nun's place" again for revenge on Mother Superior, who "raised" him with the conflicting emotions. The SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT 2-DVD pack is well worth the money if you like slasher movies, nude chicks, Linnea Quigley in her naked prime, and just good ol' fashioned seasonal gore (beheadings, strangulations, throat slashings, impalements, hangings, stabbings, etc.) that's a great alternative to Frosty and Rudoph for fans like us! Watch em both and be sure to stay NICE or you'll be PUNISHED by Santa with an ax to grind!!!

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