Movie Review by The Undertaker
Damn, what the hell did Godzilla knock up to have a kid like that? This thing could not be the offspring of the king of the monsters, could it? It looked like a cross between the Pillsbury doughboy and the Michelin Tire guy. I know, I know, it's just a baby, an ugly duckling, but still I think somebody else was paying Godzilla's old lady some conjugal visits, hahahahahaha! While I can't think of another at the moment, this might be my least favorite Godzilla epic. Hell, I even think I remember Godzilla slapping the ugly fucker around some. Can't do that these days, kids will call social services on your ass. Anyway, the kid comes out of an egg. It's called Minya (what a dumbass name!) and fights with a praying mantis for a spell 'til dad has to save him. Yeah, blowing little smoke rings is cute and all, but something about this one just bugs me. Kids might enjoy it, I'm sure I did once, but these days I dig the newer ones way more. The dragon looking offspring brought out a few years back was more suitable to my tastes. Fin.
Rating: 4.0 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total