Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This third sequel retreads the angst and on/again/off/again relationship between Peter Parker, Mary Jane and Harry Osborne, so much so that I felt as if I was watching a rerun, not a sequel. Yes, the special effects are great, but so what if you keep on looking at your watch, waiting for the movie to end.
There are some unintentionally funny scenes, such as when the "Venom Meteor" falls to earth in Central Park. Yet another alien falling to earth in a meteor? Come on! Or when escaped fugitive Flint Marko escapes from prison and returns to his apartment and puts on a striped, prison-looking shirt to replace the orange prison jumpsuit. The most painful scenes, however, are when Peter Parker is under the influence of the Venom Spider-suit and dances around like he's in a 70's disco movie. It does not work.
The biggest goof, however, is the music by Danny Elfman which accompanies the appearance of the SANDMAN. It sounds as if it's lifted from a GODZILLA movie. In fact, there's a scene in which the SANDMAN materializes as a giant, hundred foot tall monster, so I'm thinking this is all-too intentional. Also, I don't know if this is an attempt at a homage or simply a coincidence, but the Japanese live-action SPIDERMAN television series (which aired the same year as the American version) had Spidey fighting giant monsters on a weekly basis!
There are supposed to be some emotional scenes but they fall flat. Perhaps because the movie has no heart to it. I felt absolutely nothing for these characters. #3 is the AMAZINGLY BAD SPIDERMAN MOVIE.
Rating: 6.7 out of 10.0 - 6 votes cast total