S.S. Experiment Camp (1976)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
I saw this one when I was a wee lad & I loved it! Just the fact that I got to see lots of naked was good enough for me then! Years later I realized this was pure exploitation. I still loved it. Basically a t & a film with women being mated with ss soldiers & under going all types of weird sex experiments. Some torture, humiliation, lots of nudity, & soft-core sex fill the screen! An Italian movie about nazi nastys for those who like it sleazy and somewhat violent! Has some rough scenes for the lady's so I doubt many girls would like it, but you never know? A few good lesbo scenes as well, couldn't have a nazi movie without 'em! Now, I just wish I could find an original huge box, as the cover art is cool as shit! This movie has been floating around video stores as of late as part of the captive women series. This one is #2. Great way to exploit an exploitation film, huh? Oh, well enjoy it no matter how you have to see it.
Rating: 7.2 out of 10.0 - 6 votes cast total