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Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines (2003)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines (2003) There was a lot of trepidation over whether this movie would be any good without James Cameron and Linda Hamilton participating, but let me tell you, this (hopefully last) installment of the series delivers the goods and goes out on a (downbeat) high note which figures into the series flawlessly.It's great to see Arnie back in such fine form, doing what he does best. Kicking butt, taking names and numbers, and delivering classic one-liners '80's style. His new (outdated) Terminator model is programmed with a little philosophy this time out and it provides a bit of emotion in a few scenes. (Nothing overboard, just some great moments.) This is also a great metaphor for Arnie's current action star status---although here, he proves he's still the King Of The Genre and we see exactly why. The man is a powerhouse and doesn't appear to have aged a bit in 12 years! I'd take Arnie over the 'new breed' of heroes like Vin (Can't Deliver One Line) Diesel any old time...The plot is basically very simple, the old Terminator model comes back to protect John Conner once again from a new female model that is sexy and deadly---the Terminatrix. Newcomer Kristanna Loken seizes the opportunity in this role and is as good as, if not better, than T2's Robert Patrick.The story seems like a simple road movie, full of car chases and action like you won't believe, and the writers seamlessly build on the Terminator mythology and deliver some truly wild and shocking twists into the mix by the movie's end. Director Jonathan Mostow and scriptwriters John Brancato and Michael Ferris (working from a story by them and Tedi Sarafian)have collaborated well here and created a mini-masterpiece.While T3 doesn't exactly break any new ground, it delivers what you'd expect and is a pulse-pounding actioner that will assault your senses. Director Mostow wisely eschews overusing too many CGI effects and in the process, makes a much more believable and entertaining movie than something like MATRIX 2. We've seen this CGI crap done to death by Hollywood---the technology was practically ruined with drivel like MUMMY 2.I believe T3 now holds the best car chase scene ever filmed now---there's a sequence early on in the movie that involves fire trucks, a crane, police cars, and ambulances that will simply leave the viewer gasping in awe. And very few, if any, CGI was used. It's old style Hollywood stunts, baby, and boy does it look and feel GOOD!If you liked the first two TERMINATOR movies, you should LOVE this one. The series now makes a superb trilogy, whether Cameron (or any other naysayers) likes it or not.
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