I want to start off by saying I rented this movie and I did not watch it in 3d but I did see it in Blu-ray. None of that mattered or could save this movie. Now lets be real were not critics here were fans I like that, but man it was hard to sit through this movie as they butchered my baby to pieces. If you didn't catch this movie in theatre you might have missed it there was not much publicity or marketing around it, for petes sake in came out in January. All said and done this baby made 39 million worldwide respectable I guess. So the big question is why? Why make another Texas Chainsaw movie, there is a devoted cult following of the remakes and the originals so maybe they wanted to expand on that. Whatever the reason John Luessenhop took the challenge you may know him from his first directorial effort Takers. The script had so many rewrites it looks like a works cited page from a college thesis, another sign that maybe it should have been left alone. Lets get into the movie, it starts very intriguing with the ending of the first film finalizing what happened to the girl and the sawyer family. Finally tying into nowadays, I think. We have the heroine Heather miller who surprise, inherits a house from a grandma she never knew. The only thing to do is pack up your buddies and go on down to Texas too party at said house. Its no spoiler that Leatherface is in the house or that Heather is a part of the sawyer family. In fact its just plain boring. Many a horror movie has had bad acting that has helped the overall cheese or feel of the movie. Texas Chainsaw 3D falls short of that, its like teeters right on the edge but the acting comes off as just plain idiotic. We all wanna know about Leatherface right? How did they do Leatherface? This movie doesn't do a bad job as far as the looks he grunts, limps, his masks are nasty and perverted. There are a couples scenes where he is portrayed as a crazy simple madman much to my delight. If you have avoided spoilers thus far that's good, my problem is what they did with Leatherface and the heroine, its nonsense. For those who relish in all that is this film franchise Leatherface is a brother, I feel they lost him. Lost sight of what the family and franchise is about, all for cheap money and 3D razzle. Now that's not to say there isn't planty of gore, There is! Fingers, hands, feet, its all chopped off for the delight of gorehounds, but sadly its not enough. For me Texas fell flat and im hoping that they leave it in the ground forever, and let me remember the good times.