Thing... From Another World, The (1951)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
A classic sci-fi film from the 50's paving the way for alien invasions and beings trying to take over our world for years to come. Yeah the make-up here sucks donkey but the movie does effectively build a lot of tension before you even see James Arness sorry ass. The military setting in the cold arctic paints a bleak setting for our visitor to open up the whoop ass can. They figure it's a vegetable and fry the damn thing. Luckily, the film runs at a crisp pace and the plot holds you until the end. From the time the group first discovers that ship beneath the snow, you knew something was wrong here. The waiting is the hardest part (Tom Petty says), but the wait here is what makes the movie work. Great music helps also. Who would have guessed a vegetable could cause so much damn trouble? Tip your glass to this Thing, where would we be without it?
Rating: 6.5 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total