Computer genius Will Caster (Johnny Depp) is on the verge of creating an artificial intelligence. When he's diagnosed with a fatal disease, his wife Evelyn (Rebecca Hall) convinces him to record all of his memories in an attempt to transfer his intelligence into the computer. It works. But this alarms old colleagues Max Waters (Paul Bettany) and Joseph Tagger (Morgan Freeman), who suspect that new and improved Will wants to take over the world. And when Will, with the assistance of Evelyn, build a huge solar run facility in a small town, this seems to be what's going on.
TRANSCENDENCE has a very slow beginning but picks up speed--and interest--when we see some of Will's new inventions, which include nanobots that repair all human disease and connects him directly to these improved people. But not enough time is spent on this and the scope of the story line is much more suitable for a limited television mini-series. Much more time was needed to establish characters and explore the many cool ideas and inventions. I did like the movie but it could have been so much better...