Michael Madsen unlikely portrays an army commander who is in charge of a program to create "The Ultimate Killing Machine". Doing the experiments are two German "mad scientists", who seem to get pleasure from inflicting pain. The first subject is a decorated soldier who volunteered-but he goes awry and kills several of the security guards. Four young adults, all obviously rejects from any type of recruitment, are then selected to get the procedure, as it will radically improve their strength. In addition, there is an increase in sexual urges and a killing rage. It's revealed, though, that only two of the four had gotten the treatment and the others got a placebo.
The majority of the movie takes place inside the military building, which, of course, is rigged with explosives in case the experiment gets out of hand. The survivors have to not only avoid the "killing machines" but make it outside before the place explodes.
This movie is like UNIVERSAL SOLDIER on an extremely low budget.