Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This newer incarnation of ULTRAMAN pretty much sticks to the formula established since the 1960's. A young man by the name of Kaito, just as he is about to be killed, is rescued by an alien presence that has been watching the planet. The alien wants permission to join essences with him, which will allow the alien to stay on earth for three minutes at a time. After those three minutes this light on his chest starts blinking and he gets weaker. This guy is also a member of the DASH-Defense Action Squad Heroes-soldiers who fight the invading aliens.
The first half-hour episode is the origin, in which it's also established that the reason aliens from Earth---and from space-are attacking humanity is because of the huge population explosion-and that nature is trying to set the balance right . This first episode has a volcanic creature, the second an alien made of electricity, the third is a Rodan-like giant prehistoric bird and the fourth episode an intelligent alien species wants to take over Earth because humans are doing such a shitty job of taking care of the planet. The special effects are good and the computer generated special effects for the air vehicles are a vast improvement than miniatures. While I enjoyed these first few episodes of this series, I still feel that the original ULTRAMAN and the more recent ULTRAMAN TIGA, are better.
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 3 votes cast total