A bit of a different film for John Carpenter, this one received a lot of mixed reactions. The basic premise is that the Catholic Church knows that vampires exist, they also have a team of vampire hunters on the prowl to exterminate them. James Woods leads the team in a kind of Desperado/Disgruntled Cop character with a twisted backround which included killing his own father who turned into a vampire himself. Ok, here's the deal. The dialogue is cheesy. Daniel Baldwin is in it, more points against it. The music, not so good. The bright side is some of the one-liners are great. The lead vampire actually, gasp, looks like a decent vampire. The plot is actually pretty cool if you get past the cheesy delivery. James Woods way over-acts but oh well, it's James Woods. The motel scene is gory as hell, and is worth the price of the rental alone in my opinion. Don't expect the typical creepy Carpenter style of film with this one, more action than anything. If you want a simple, bl! oody, action movie with hot chicks and vampires....run and grab it.