I had read and heard a lot of good things about this movie before I saw it. I was really excited and looking forward to seeing Wendigo. Nearly an hour into it, I was scratching my head with disappointment. Don't get me wrong, it was a decent flick, the end was cool, and there were a few enjoyable scenes midway through, but damn that 1st hour was fuckin' boring. If not for the peeping Tom sequence, I'm sure I would have been snoring. Well, that might be a bit harsh, as I did stay interested enough to see where this was going. I found much of Wendigo to be pretty predictable including the ending. You knew soon as they hit that deer and the dickhead hunters appeared who the trouble was gonna come from. He pops up at every turn. You knew who was shooting up the house. You knew as soon as the couple started fuckin' on the couch someone was gonna be peeking in their windows. I'll stop now. I guess my hopes were set just a bit too high from the hype. OK, enough of the bad, here are some things I did like. The acting was very good especially the woman playing Kim. She really does a great job at film's end and looks good with her legs pushed up to her chest earlier on. Everyone plays their roles well. The story is cool, just needed more spice and action. There's an interesting feeling of tension throughout the movie that FINALLY pays off at the end. The editing was well done, though I wonder if the horrible looking deer costume was just being covered up near the end. I just feel like this thing needed a little more of something to move it along. Wendigo had a unique feel to it, too bad it all played out way to damn slow. So much for having high hopes.