Yesterday's Target (1997)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Three people with various mental abilities are transported from the year 2025 to 1995 for some unkown reason. Three years later these individuals are approached by two warring factions--one headed by an evil Levar Burton, who works for an undisclosed government 'Agency' and another run by a kindly old man who says he wants to help those with 'special abilities'. Although these travellers have lost their memories as an affect of the time travel their leader (Daniel Baldwin) slowly remembers and manages to make sense of it all. Their mission is to ensure the survival of a psychic child, who will be a leader in the future and protect the 'next step in humanity's evolution'. Without this leader these mutants will be hunted down and killed like animals and earth will be destroyed as well. With Malcolm McDowell as leader of the 'Agency' and Stacey Haiduk (LUTHER THE GEEK, SEAQUEST TV series) and the usual time-travel plot twists.
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